Codes and Conventions of all genre Movie Posters- By Sara Avramovska (SA)
Friday 6th, November 2015
Codes and conventions of movie posters from saraavrsaraavramovskaaaa
Saturday 7th, November 2015 - Research By Sara Avramovska (SA)
For this task we were asked to analyse Psychological Thriller movie posters in order to understand its codes and conventions that we as a group need to cooperate into our own movie poster achieving the same effect on the target audience.
After doing some research online, I have come across key concepts that we need to cooperate within our analysis:
- Connotation - Words are not limited to only one meaning. ''Connotation'' is a part of the Media Studies terminology meaning that words,sound and visual images not only have literal meanings (denotative,dictionary meaning) however they also refer to the meaning that is implied by the word. . Words are able to carry out emotional suggestions as well as cultural meanings associated with the words denotations; these can either be positive or negative.
The most known example of this is a rose:
- Connotation of a rose - Roses are ancient symbols of love and beauty and intense passion ''My love is like a red, red rose. ''. However it also has a religious meaning, according to medieval Christians they have associated the red five petals of the rose with the five wounds of Christ while the white rose is associated with purity,innocence and virginity. Similarly within Islamic, Persian and Indian traditions the rose is a symbol of love, secrecy and death. The color red in Asia connotes luck and it is also the most popular in China. While the red rose represents courage , romantic love, passion and respect it can also represent a negative connotation. The red colored rose is also a connotation of intense danger and violence as the intense color captures attention and our prehistoric ancestors have associated it with fire and blood. By exploring these connotations of simply a red rose it is extremely useful as it provides an insight into the preferred reading our group wants to achieve with our Psychological Film Poster.
- Representation - How does the poster portray different groups within our society? For analyzing the representation of Psychological Thriller Posters our group should be prepared to focus on gender, class, nationality, sexual orientation, youth and age. Posters need to make an impact to its target audience, when analyzing our Psychological Thriller posters we need to explore what aspects of the representation that triggers the audience and what are the effects of it.
- Effect and Effectiveness - Concluding the concepts above, to what extent does the poster achieve its purpose? Test screenings could be a very useful way to test the audience's reaction. Once we have finished our own poster, we will run a test screening in front of a group of people in order to see what their reactions and opinions are. This will help us achieve any final improvements. Market research techniques are also very useful for gaining feedback.
- Lighting - lighting research can be found on:
- Tone and Register :
Tone: Human Communication: Register:
-7 % through words. Register refers to the grammar,vocabulary -70% through none verbal communication. and style of writing used. (eg. levels of formality)
-23% tone used.
Notice: Unfortunately I had originally posted the website I have conducted some of my quantitative research on, however it somehow deleted and I was unable to find it again.
- Ideology and values - refers to possible ideas of how the world is and what it is ought to be. Analyse any social assumptions.
- Target Audience - Age, gender, socioeconomic status, religion, nationality, subculture, personality type. How does the poster target different people within our society
- .Anchorage - is the ability of media such as film, newspapers, magazines accompanied by text or sound in order to focus the message intended through the image therefore it is interpreted by the audience the way intended. An example of anchorage includes newspaper headings which are accompanied by an image in order to order to help the reader gain a clearer understanding into the article. In films however, background music, weather it is diagetic or none diagetic, which helps the reader to understand the scenario much more effectively. In documentary movies a voiceover may serve a similar purpose and even though we are doing Psychological Thrillers, we will also use voice over more sound on:
research :
construction: )
MOVIE POSTER ANALYSIS - Whole Group Contribution (SA, EP and MR)
(SA) - For this task, I have personally suggested that all group members should analyse precisely 3 movie posters belonging to the Psychological Thriller genre. I have also suggested that my group members take a look at the research I have constructed above therefore we can all gain an idea of how to analyse the different movie posters we have chosen. Furthermore as one of our promotion methods for our short film will be a Movie Poster along with a Film Review, I believed that all group members must participate in analyzing movie posters therefore we can shape and inspire ideas of our own in order to promote our movie in an effective way.
1. Black Dahlia (By Sara Avramovska)
...However, In movie posters anchorage is just as important. Even though the old saying ''a picture is worth a thousand words'' may suggest otherwise since most movie posters if not all consist of it. An example of this includes the film poster of Black Dahlia (2006).
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If the audience of 'Black Dahila''s Movie Poster commonly just glance at the photograph, they will most likely determine a suggestion that the movie simply belongs to the Horror or Thriller Genre, however if the audience intensely pays attention at the photograph in further detail with a lot more concentration while keeping in mind some of the key concepts I have researched, they will reach a deeper understanding and the true meaning of the poster and its connotations. Before I conducted my research I was able to analyse Movie Posters however not as effectively; personally I was able to mention and briefly analyse the photograph such as the font and layout or maybe even the color scheme, but not as effectively as I am able to now once I have familiarized myself with the key concepts as well as the codes and conventions of Movie Posters.( Narrative/Protagonist Image and Its Connotations Analysis)
Anyhow,the main photograph of the young woman is the main point of focus within this poster and it not only suggests that she is in fact laying down, suggested by the angle (rotation) of the image, but the white pale face and the blood red lipstick also suggests that she is possibly dead. The red colored
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Close up of the young woman's lips |
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Close up of the young woman's beautiful eye looking up |
(Background Color Scheme Analysis)
The background consists of black and while as demonstrated on the poster, While the black against white background provide a harsh contrast in order for the main focus point of the character to stand out, I also believe that the color scheme presents a good and evil connotation. The prominent black color takes up most of the background signifying death and negativity while also hinting at the sinister plot such as murder; the black color used can also signify the sorrow that relies behind the loss/death of Dahlia. In contrast the white colored background could signify her innocence furthermore, however the woman's pale colored portrayal interferes with this view, as her portrait evaporates within the white background of the poster once again implying death.
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Close up therefore the outline of her facial features is more visible |
(Color Scheme Analysis - Links to Representation of Gender ) Moreover the different hues (colors) used such as red, white and black
Red is the first color to be seen within a rainbow and has the greatest emotional impact indeed. According to the Google's definition the color red is described as ''a color at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite of violet, as of blood, fire or rubies.'' however that is just its denotative meaning. The connotation of the color red however is known to scientifically cause a chemical reaction within our bodies, which rises the viewers blood pressure,speeds up pulse and causes a rapid breathing. For this reason red as I have mentioned before is the color used to symbolize danger, aggression and violence most consistently used for Movie Posters within Horror and Thrillers such as Black Dahlia. (since it is the color of blood after all).
White - the denotative definition of white (Goggle definition) is '' the color of milk or fresh snow, due to the reflection of all visible rays of light; the opposite of black'' However the connotation of white as I have , once again, previously mentioned signifies purity and innocence in relation to the character displayed on the poster. White provides a strong contrast against strong colors. It can be used in small or large amounts without overpowering the audience, but contrasting the connotations of innocence and purity, white can also connote its associations with cowardice and used as a symbol of surrender (white flag). This furthermore supports my view on the young woman, Dahlia, surrendering due to her innocence and purity. However I do not believe that this represented her as the weaker sex in terms of representation of gender, I believe it represented her as a loving and a emotional woman which is highly admired by both male and female audiences. Therefore the representation of this poster appeals to both men and woman.
Black: Black suits and tries the posters together. Black compliments any other color due to the strong contrast provided! It is considered to be sophisticated/elegant possibly provocative; powerful, dramatic etc. However black in some western societies is associated and a symbol of the mourn of death and the fear of the unknown (dark spaces we are not familiarized with as we obviously cannot see in the dark). For this reason I believe that the black background has been used effectively in terms of representing the young woman's sexual nature (provocative) as well as her elegance. I believe it as a powerful and dramatic way of representing this view and it works effectively while contrasting against the white, pure color used within the poster to suggest that her sexual provocative and elegant nature is broken and beneath all those views, she is indeed a innocent and loving woman who cannot protect herself through physical strengths.She surrendered and has become the victim. As I have mentioned before her loving and innocent nature appeals to both men and woman, therefore we sympathy with this character and mourn her death (linking back to the representation of color) This poster proves that opposites attract and it is indeed very effective.
Chiaroscuro lighting to create the well known silhouette effect in order to make the features of the narrative/protagonist stand out against the black background. The immense lighting source within this poster is emerging from the bottom left hand corner allowing the flower and the white background to emerge together.
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Anchorage Close up |
Placed at the very top of the poster are the main actors names,The red and white colors used against the black background allows the names of those particular actors to stand out. However since all of the actors are famous mostly for their well known sure names, they are represented in a larger font size to catch the audience's attention while the white color against the black background emphasizes the eye catching effect furthermore allowing the audience to associate the film with the actors.
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Close up of the Anchorage |

(Representation - Target Audience)
I believe that the poster mostly represents a young woman between the ages of 20-25 that is of a higher class suggested by her smooth complexion and pale face suggesting that her nationality is stereo typically presented as wealthy. However even though a simplistic photograph is used for this poster, it still has a powerful meaning that captivates the target audiences attention due to this, regardless of the representation of the young woman, I believe the target audience, just by looking at the poster, are young audiences, perhaps between the ages of 15 to 25 but both female and male of all social classes and nationalities or sexual orientations. I firmly consider that the sympathy of the audience of this poster does not reply on the representation of age, gender, sexual orientation, class or nationality. The woman's innocence and her death can be mourned by all of those representations beating the stereotypical social assumptions of the target audience (young women, emotionally unstable etc). This is what I aim to achieve within our own Movie Poster.
2. The Silence of the Lambs (Analysis on Microsoft Word) - By Sara Avramovska (SA)
3. The Number 23 - By Sara Avramovska (SA)
History of Photography - The fathers of Photography (By Sara Avramovska)
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transparent objects appear gray. (Wikipedia)'' However since no camera was used to create these images,Wedgwood is known for his failed attempts that have furthermore inspired however, the development and improvement of the daguerreotype photography by Nicephore Niepce mid-1820's and his associate Louis-Jaques-Mandes Daguerre. The daguerreotype process was the first photographic development publicly introduced in 1893. To furthermore advantage my knowledge of the photography development process, I have watched a series provided by YouTube from Chapter 1 to 12. (Below I have only displayed Chapter 1 and 2 out of the 12 provided. The rest of the Chapters can effortlessly be found on the right hand side once you open this video on YouTube.)
Chapter 1 out of 12
Camera Obscura Google Definition:
- ''a darkened box with a convex lens or aperture for projecting the image of an external object on to a screen inside, a forerunner of the modern camera.
- a small round building with a rotating angled mirror at the apex of the roof, projecting an image of the landscape on to a horizontal surface inside.''
Chapter 2 out of 12
Film Poster Analysis by other group members...
(By Sara Avramovska) I have asked my fellow group members to also contribute to analysing film posters belonging to our film genre. I believe that this is fundamental as it will expand my own as well as my group members knowledge of real media products and how they contribute to advertisement /promotion as well as distribution. Although we have decided that Ella Ponting (EP) will construct the film review, while myself (SA) and Monisha Roy (MR) will be in charge of the main film poster, as well as the teaser poster, it is important that our final products collaborate effectively together in order to promote our film in a professional and sophisticated manner.
Ella Ponting (EP)
1. The Butterfly Effect
2. Psycho
3. Seven
Seven Poster Analysis (A2 Media) from ellaponting
Trial Poster Editing - Photoshop CS6 - Sara Avramovska
I have decided to edit the same image in a few different manners concerning Photoshop CS6 Tools. I believe this task was essential in order for me to gain fluid experience with the software, therefore once I begin my main construction I will be able to occur the process rapidly. As Ericsson 1996 stated, "experts attribute their success to practice and to the ability to maintain concentration during long practice sessions". For a skill to become automatic or for a new-knowdge applied to become long-lasting sustained practice was necessary. This in turn has (hopefully) provided me with an improvement of graphics design and visual communication. I believe that through this task I have learned to use certain tools such as the cropping tool, spot healing, brightness and contrast, applying film grain etc. (I will address these further in my construction + analysis essay of my finishd product). Throughout the process I was also enabled to realise how Hall's theory of how media texts can create a specific meaning with encoded and decoded messages through the use of colour and its colour connotations resulting a set atmosphere. Audience of my final film poster may deface my message and readings can be preferred, oppositional or negotiated. Due to this I have discovered that nobody can predict or decide how an individual may read my message that I will attempt to sent through my film poster. His theory was further proved right, as I questioned 10 participants, 5 male and 5 female, which poster they preferred? The majority have stated that the black and white effect has a greater visual impact and trigger "terror" within them, where as 3 of my participants have stated that black and white rather ambushes the "terror". For those three individuals the black and white effect disadvantaged the visuals of blood and the demonic eye colour. However, due to the fact that the majority of my participants have preferred the black and white effect, as have I, I have at this point of my research and construction concluded that my final ancillary task will be in a Black and White effect. However I am aiming to advance my skills further and explore the Photoshop CS6 in more depth, in turn Im hoping to achieve a brilliant poster as a result. Although, practice has most deffinatly improved my memory and skill on this software from my AS Coursework where I was blighted to construct a magazine cover and a double page spread. Practise makes perfect after all!
Film poster Review & a practice movie poster - Monisha Roy (MR)
Trial Poster Editing - Photoshop CS6 - Sara Avramovska
I have decided to edit the same image in a few different manners concerning Photoshop CS6 Tools. I believe this task was essential in order for me to gain fluid experience with the software, therefore once I begin my main construction I will be able to occur the process rapidly. As Ericsson 1996 stated, "experts attribute their success to practice and to the ability to maintain concentration during long practice sessions". For a skill to become automatic or for a new-knowdge applied to become long-lasting sustained practice was necessary. This in turn has (hopefully) provided me with an improvement of graphics design and visual communication. I believe that through this task I have learned to use certain tools such as the cropping tool, spot healing, brightness and contrast, applying film grain etc. (I will address these further in my construction + analysis essay of my finishd product). Throughout the process I was also enabled to realise how Hall's theory of how media texts can create a specific meaning with encoded and decoded messages through the use of colour and its colour connotations resulting a set atmosphere. Audience of my final film poster may deface my message and readings can be preferred, oppositional or negotiated. Due to this I have discovered that nobody can predict or decide how an individual may read my message that I will attempt to sent through my film poster. His theory was further proved right, as I questioned 10 participants, 5 male and 5 female, which poster they preferred? The majority have stated that the black and white effect has a greater visual impact and trigger "terror" within them, where as 3 of my participants have stated that black and white rather ambushes the "terror". For those three individuals the black and white effect disadvantaged the visuals of blood and the demonic eye colour. However, due to the fact that the majority of my participants have preferred the black and white effect, as have I, I have at this point of my research and construction concluded that my final ancillary task will be in a Black and White effect. However I am aiming to advance my skills further and explore the Photoshop CS6 in more depth, in turn Im hoping to achieve a brilliant poster as a result. Although, practice has most deffinatly improved my memory and skill on this software from my AS Coursework where I was blighted to construct a magazine cover and a double page spread. Practise makes perfect after all!
NOTE:As I was unable to post my work onbloggerdue to technical difficulties, I have used Microsoft Word as an alternative to present my construction phrases as well as analysis of my poster.
FILM POSTER AUDIENCE FEEDBACK - By Sara Avramovska (SA) and Monisha Roy (MR)
(SA) Myself and Monisha Roy (MR) have constructed a questionnaire for our final film poster as displayed below. We only managed to have 5 participants respond to this in a written questionnaire form, thus we believed this was rather basic and simple method of communication between the creators and the spectators/target audiences. (Note: the 5 questionnaire feedbacks have been displayed below) Due to this we use the same questionnaire, yet in a different form of approach. This lead us to use direct confronted constructive feedback which was videoed.
Film Poster - Audience Feedback - Questionnaire from saraavrsaraavramovskaaaa
FINAL CUT PRO - The non-linear software editing was used in order to transfer our audience feedback videos onto the editor (external or internal). This allowed us to view, organise and edit the feedback we have received. Below we have separated the special effects and tool used for the construction of this video:
- text - names of participants including their age.
-built in and built out colour is white size 72.0 font helvetica speed is 50.0 and duration 40.0
-Enhanse the volume of the individuals speaking
-Costumised effects can be served - black and white -
-transitions- cross dissolving
For gaining further audience feedback on our poster, myself and Monisha had printed out a hardware copy. This enabled us to visit different locations around our local community including locations such as Oxford City Centre, Cowley Rd, our School Facilities as displayed above as well as Cowley Templars Square. (Note:Pictures of these locations can be seen on the right hand side) Unfortunately we were unable to video our participants as they did not consent to being on camera, thus they were happy to give us feedback . We believe that this type of audience feedback was appropriate as we gained the public view that considered constructive feedback. As we we did not have personal relationships with these group of participants; this made the outcome increasingly reliable rather then obstructive, as we gained unbiased opinions originating from different class, genders, ethnicities, ages and occupational statuses. This was fundamental, as the target audience for our film are aimed at 12+ as well as the different socio-cultrual individuals as listed above. We used the same Questionnaire to speak one to one with different individuals about, 10 males and 10 females and the pros and cons we received on our film poster, were gathered by myself and Monisha Roy in a bullet point form. These are displayed below:
- "Title is truly intriguing and triggers the attention of the audience. I was truly captivated by the effect it excludes."
- " The eyes look amazing."
- "the colour scheme is rather captivating. It feels as if the character is being haunted..or perhaps she is haunting someone else? I guess the only way to find our is if I watch the film, so I ..I think its very effective for a promotional purpose"
- " The title is not easy to understand in my opinion. I think it could be improved by font size or the font itself… I personally find it kind of hard to read, but that might just be me might not"
- "It looks so professional. The black and white effect worked well with the genre, which I believe it to be a Thriller, possibly psychological?"
- "The eyes capture a supernatural feel which…like…triggers my interest. However, it does kinda creep me out a lot.."
- "Improvements…umm.. maybe you could make the logo of the age rating bigger."
- "I love the positioning of the three images. I think It is very creepy and terrifying"
- "I like the language used within the quotes at the top. Kinda makes me want to go and watch the movie."
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